And in these last few months I've cycled through several crafty pursuits. First there was yarn dying, which is just beyond lovely. And I even bought a knitting machine so I could make blanks to dye, which, of course led to a sock knitting obsession.

And then, to my great, great relief I cleaned up my sewing room. Phew! And, most exciting, I got a huge bookshelf with adjustable shelves so I now have an awesome place to keep my thread cones. This made it possible and even fun to sew up some much needed new diapers and a couple of tees for my little guy.
I was desperate for some new bags and accessories, so I printed out my oh so awesome Keyka Lou patterns and started surfing around looking for fun ways to dress them up and I stumbled upon HEXAGONS! Oh, hexagons, where have you been all of my life??? I am in love!
These were my first batch of hexies, 3/4 inch, which I sewed onto to these sweet, sweet, sweet linen baby pants. This linen is so incredibly soft and drapey. I don't for sure if it'll hold up for a baby, but it might. I washed and dried it on hot when I first bought it, so it may be okay. I'm definitely making a pair of these for Augie for the summer. They are just so light and comfy feeling.

And now I have moved on to these:

They're one inch hexes that are to become my first quilt. I'd love to make it king sized, but for now, I'm thinking a large throw for the living room. A king sized quilt would require something like 4,500 hexes. And these are all going to be basted and sewn by hand, and hand quilted too. I have about 170 hexes basted now and I'm about to start sewing some together. I'm so excited!